Friday, March 20, 2009

Module III: Podcast Script

Do You Have Game?

Complete Show Length in Minutes:

Episode 1: Topic: Violence in video games and are they addicting.

Music Clip: Title: “Blow Me Away” Breaking Benjamin, Halo 2 Soundtrack. 30 seconds

Intro: Do You Have Game: Time: 1 minute

Hello, this is Jaclyn Delbrugge, and thanks for choosing to listen to this podcast, Do You Have Game. Today, I will discuss if video games promote and cause violence, and are they addicting? As a gamer myself, I do not believe that video games cause violence, but later on in the show, I am going to interview a ‘recovering’ gamer to see what his view is on aggressive behavior that is associated with kids playing video games, and also, if he believes that video games are addicting enough that is causing the rise of obesity in children. Are these games causing violence? Playing games like Halo, Call of Duty, or Doom; do they increase aggressive thought or behavior? Whats the difference between playing violent games or watching violent movies or playing sports, do all three promote aggressive behavior or is it exclusively to video games.

Segment 2 Clip: Super Mario Theme Song. 30 seconds

Segment Title: Addiction and violence. Time: 3 minutes

According to Indiana University of Medicine, a recent find found that brain scans of kids who played violent video games showed an increase of emotional activity in the amygdale, part of the brain that is involved in emotional arousal, and a decrease of activity in brain areas involved in self-control and attention. Does this find mean that after playing a violent game, a teen will go on a shooting frenzy? Probably not, I feel this only shows that parents should be aware of the relationship between violent games and the role they may play on adolescences emotions. This means that you, yes you, the parent should read the age label on the game box and pick what is appropriate of what your child should play. Children playing video games should be treated with the same caution as if you would allow them, if you feel if they are old enough or mature enough, to watch an R rated movie. It’s all about the child learning self-control and the parent being responsible enough to teach the difference between situations in a video game and real life experiences.

Here today, I have with me Robert McKelvie, who is an ex gamer. He is here to explain his experience with playing video games and how he was addicted to them.
Me: Hello Robert and thank you for being here.
Robert: No problem, thanks for having me on.
Me: Robert, please tell me about your experience with playing video games?
Robert: Well, I first started playing around the age of 12. I started with games like Mortal Combat and Mario and then going through high school, I started playing online RPG games like World of War Craft.
Me: Please explain RPG?
Robert: It means Role Playing Game. These are the type of games you assume the role of a fictional character. Like in World of War Craft (WOW) for example, you create a character, give it a name, and you basically run around completing quests. The cool thing about WOW is that it’s online so you can meet new people and friends.
Me: Did you play WOW a lot?
Robert: Yeah, like everyday. I was addicted.
Me: How much did you play?
Robert: Everyday, I probably average 8 hours on a school night and on the weekend, if I can pull it off, 24 hours. I would play as much as I can, fall asleep, wake up and play.
Me: Now did this effect school.
Robert: Of course. I’m lucky I graduated high school with decent grades.
Me: Do you believe that these games are addicting?
Robert: Yes.
Me: Now that we know a little about Robert and a bit of his past with gaming, after this break, we will continue our discussion and get a more depth view of why these games are addicting.
Segment 3 Clip: “Zestubou Billy”, Maximum The Hormone. 30 seconds

Segment 3 Title: Recovery. Time: 2 Minutes

Me: Ok everyone we are back and ready to rock and roll. Robert, can you tell me why you believe that these games are addicting?
Robert: Really, I don’t know why I found myself addicted to these games, especially to WOW. Sometimes you just get so lost in their own world that you lose sense that you are living. I mean that in these RPG games, you become the character so it feels like you are living that fake life.
Me: So you feel like you’re in control while playing these fake characters lives?
Robert: I guess so.
Me: Is that why these are addicting? You are in control of these fictional character lives but not in control of your own.
Robert: That may be so. While playing these games, going through adolescence, you go through a whole bunch of problems dealing with home and school, so these games may be an outlet for kids pushing their emotions through. Humans like to feel to be in control, so when your life may be out of control, you have a video game that will give you the power to do what you want in a fictitious life.
Me: That’s an interesting way to look at it. What about obesity. Do you believe video games are a cause to the obesity problem in American youth?
Robert: I don’t think so because I was addicted and I’m 6 foot and weigh about 156 lbs.
Me: Coming to the big question, do you think that video games promote violence?
Robert: I don’t believe they do but video games do stir up emotions. Of course, people get upset when they lose, or happy when they win, but I don’t think that it will stir up enough rage to cause violence. This is where parents step in and should know what is appropriate for their child to play.
Me: I 100% agree with you. Thank you, for being here today with us Robert.

Do video games cause violence? Maybe we will never know, but if the parents will have a more active role in their children lives we may not have these problems with violence and video games or obesity.
Ending Clip: “Season”, Lincoln Park, Meteora. 30 Seconds

Monday, February 23, 2009


Many people, when they think of recycling, they think of plastic bottles and aluminum cans being recycled in the green bins. But most don’t think of a direct impact they can make at home to recycle. Recycling that is easy to do and healthy for the environment. What I am talking about is vermicompost. This way of recycling reduces waste that a homeowner has to throw away and it helps nature’s recycling system to put back nutrients back into the soil.
Vermicompost is when you take Red Wigglers (Eisenia Foetide) place them into a bin and then simply put food and paper in there for the worms to decompose the organic materials. Earthworms are major catalyst for decomposition in a health vermicomposting system. By making a vermicompost system, this can benefit the soil by improving its physical structure, enriching soil in micro-organisms, attracting deep burrowing earthworms already present in the soil, improving water holding capacity, enhancing germination in plant growth and improving root growth and structure (Wikipedia). More benefits are is that you save money but not using as much garbage bags and saving money on not buying topsoil for your garden.
Starting a vermicompost is easy. First you need a container. This can be made of anything like plastic, wood, Styrofoam, or metal (Cochran). Though you may need to be careful

with what your container is made of because some say that Styrofoam can leak chemicals and a metal bin may rust if it is being stored outside. But the best bin to use is a wooden bin because this can help the worms to breath because the wood has pores.
After picking out a bin, you then have to line the container with material high in carbon that mimics decaying dried leaves. For this you can use shredded up pieces of paper. After lining up the container with the paper you then add in a little dirt and worms in the container and then just add in the food. Worms prefer the ratio of carbon to nitrogen about 30:1 (Wikipedia). Your rich carbon foods are called “brown matter” which is your wood products such as paper and sawdust. Nitrogen food is called “green matter” and these consist of your food scraps. What is definitely not suitable to use as food is products sprayed with pesticides (Cochran). If you decide to use meat, don’t use too much meat for the feed because oil and fat can hinder the breathing of the worms, as they breathe through their skin. Also worms cannot break down bones either.
There are two method of feeding. One is called top feeding. This is when organic matter is placed directly on top of the existing layer of bedding in a bin and then covered with another layer of bedding. The second method is called pocket feeding. In order to feed, the top layer of the bedding is maintained and the food is buried beneath. The location of the feed is changed each time, rotating around the bin to give the worms time to decompose the food. Vermicompost is ready for harvest when is contains few to no scrapes of uneaten food or beading. To use all you need to do is just spread in a thin layer over the soil in the backyard.

Reading about vermicompost, I’ve decided to set up my own worm compost. The reason I am making this is because I want to see if this really works and if this can save my parents and I money with buying garbage bags. I am also hoping that the worms will make enough rich soil
that I can use in my own garden at home to help grow flowers because since I live around factories I have a hard time growing certain plants. Also, I hope with making richer soil that I can help with animal life in my backyard with bringing in more insects.

photo from:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

This is my progress with assignment #1. I'm not really sure what I'm suppose to type here.

But this assignment was alright to do. I really like this bunny peep image. It's pretty cute.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Save Tibet!

Advocate: Save Tibet!
When I first started on this project I came up with the idea of advocating for teaching children how to read. I thought this was a great idea because I love reading and I believe that children should be expose to literature at a young age. So I decided to make a website dedicated to helping children read. I wanted to use Photoshop to make the website because I am really picky on how my website will look like and I didn’t really like none of the templates that I had to choose from on Google site. My only main concern was on making the website using Photoshop is that I wouldn’t get it done in time and not getting my links to work.
So I started making this really cool design for my site but when I was done I couldn’t come up with enough information to put on five pages. So after searching the Internet looking for some more information I came to the conclusion that I should change my topic. So I decided to advocate for Tibet. Really at first, I was going to do this topic, but I get so heated over it that I didn’t want to end up ranting. So the challenge I had to face when switching my topic was that I had to go back and change my design around. I was pretty upset about this because I spent a couple of hours putting everything in the right place and I just ended up basically erasing everything that I made
So in the end, I ended up making just a simple design for my site. After laying everything out, my main concern was making the slices. I always have a hard time with this because I always get turned around on how to name them properly. But after carefully making sure getting my slices right my next step is saving for the web and then finding a hosting website to host my site.
I’ve never thought that posting my site on the web would be so hard. Every site that I went to to host it would not let me upload my files. Really this is the most frustrating thing because I worked so hard and spent so much time making a website and I cant even host it on the web. I’m not really sure why this won’t work but my mom thinks that because I am working on a Mac it may not be compatible.
Regardless of my problems I am still trying to figure them out. But overall I am please with the outcome of this project because I get to create a website about a topic that I care so deeply about and I get to have fun making it by doing it my own way. I hope that more people will become more aware about the problems that are happening in Tibet and that hopefully one day an agreement will come that either Tibet will finally become free or that China will finally agree to an open dialogue and they can both work out their differences.

my website link is:

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

heres my progress with save tibet. Creating it was a little risky because of the slices but i'm pretty sure that i worked out everything


here is the front page of my orginal idea of teaching reading to childern

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What I am advocating for is a dialogue between the Chinese government and the Dalai Lama. As much as I want Tibet to be their own independent country it is imperative that a dialogue happens between the two because this may save the diminishing culture that China is trying to abolish. It is known that China is causing ethnocide and they should be stop for it.
The audiance that I am gearing towards is highschool students. I believe that highschool students should be more aware about what is happening around the world and also by the time they reach college they would be more open to the idea of advocating for something and being invove in what is happening in their neighborhood, country, and around the world.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Screen Shot

Hello everyone and welcome to what my desk top looks like. I used as a challenge for me because 1). I never made or used blogs before so this is all foreign to me and 2). I don't really care for these type of networking sites and yes that even includes facebook. The site behind is an anime site. This is a huge problem to me because no matter what I am doing I always end up watching something. Composing change while in digital space because you have more distractions then you would while composing more in the traditional way. I guess an easier way of understanding digital composing processes is knowing the applacations or programs better and knowing how to control procrastination while on the computer.